dilluns, 26 de maig del 2014

Sikhs' symbols

For Sikhs there are 5 symbols of faith, they are also called the 5 K.
  • Kesh: long hair without cutting.
  • Khanga: small wood comb to wear in the hair.
  • Kara: methallic bracelet.
  • Kachera: kind of cotton underwear.
  • Kirpan: in their origins it was a ceremonial sword, but nowadays it is a simple symbol of power, freedom, self-respect, and the constant fight for good against injusticia. It only can be used for self-defenseo to protect somebody.

Another typical symbol is Khanda and probably it is the most important one. It consists on three weapons:
  • Khanda: a straight sword that symbolises the knowledge about God.
  • Kirpans: curvesswords that represent political sovereignty.
  • Shakkar: it is a disk that represents God.

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